
Read the instructions below and join as a member here.

The membership fee for the FPSA is 50 €. For bachelor- and master level students the students membership fee is 20 €. Student membership can last five years at most. As a student member you will have the same benefits and rights as a full member. You can also pay a 70 € supporting member fee.

The membership is ongoing. You can resign by informing the executive committee or the secretary of FPSA.

We kindly ask you to pay the membership fee after filling in the membership form.

Payment information

Receiver: Valtiotieteellinen yhdistys ry
IBAN: FI62 4730 0010 5451 83
Reference: 52210

Note! If the payment is made using someone else’s bank account, enter the member’s name in the message field instead of the reference number.

As a member of the FPSA you will receive the following benefits:

Members are granted free entrance to the annual conference of the FPSA and free entrance or discount to other events of the FPSA
Members receive a 40 percent discount on the publications of the FPSA (sold at Tiedekirja)
Members can order the Scandinavian Political Studies -journal on a discount