The Finnish Political Science Association

The aim of the Finnish Political Science Association (FPSA) is to promote political science and the public interest for political science in Finland. FPSA is also actively participating in international political science research. The most essential forms of activities of the FPSA are publishing and organizing lectures and discussions. The Early Scholars Network (ESN) is the Finnish Political Science Association’s platform that connects emerging political scientists from across Finland. 

The association was founded in 1935, which makes it one of the oldest associations in its field. FPSA is a member of both the International Political Science Association IPSA and the Nordic Political Science Association NoPSA. The association is active in The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and the Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing. It’s also a member of the UN Association of Finland and UN Women.

The FPSA is the responsible publisher of the peer reviewed Politiikka journal and the Politiikasta website as well as the peer reviewed Pro et Contra book series.

FPSA Annual Conference 2025

The main annual scientific event of the Finnish Political Science Association will be next held at the University of Lapland on April 14–16th 2025 with the theme “Politiikan maa-ilmat”. Stay tuned!


Politiikka-lehden vuoden ensimmäinen numero 1/2024 on nyt julkaistu! (FI)

Uusimmassa Politiikka-lehden numerossa päästään syentymään niin osinkoverotukseen liittyvään lobbaukseen, talouspolitiikan arviointineuvoston demokratiasuhteeseen kuin turvallisuuden ja turvallisuuspolitiikan käsitteen poliittisiin ulottuvuuksiin. Lue lisää…

FPSA Annual Conference at University of Turku from 15 to 17 May 2024: Enrollment and Call for papers is open until April 30.

FPSA Annual Conference at University of Turku from 15 to 17 May 2024: Call for workshops is open until 31 January.

FPSA Annual Conference at Unviersity of Jyväskylä from 10 to 12 May 2023: Call for papers is now open!
We invite paper proposals for thematic workshops that will take place at the conference. The list of the workshops has been published and can be found on the conference website.




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