
Wednesday 11.5.



Metsätalo lobby

12 – 18.30


Event by Early Scholars Network (ESN) for junior researchers

Metsätalo, hall 8

12 – 17


Hundred years of Finnish Political Science in Context – with the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)

18:00-18:15 Welcome and an opening word on 100 years of Finnish Political Science in global context by Emilia Palonen, former FPSA chair (2018-22) and IPSA Executive Committee member.

18:15-19:00 Greeting and reflection on the transformed political science from IPSA president Prof. Dianne M. Pinderhughes (Notre Dame University, USA)

19:00-19:10 Discussion with Dianne, Erkki Berndston (University of Helsinki) and Saila Heinikoski (FIIA). 

19:10-20:00 Discussion about trends in Political Science: co-Editor of IPSR and co-chair of the IPSA World Congress Program Co-Chair Prof. Theresa Reidy (University College Cork, Ireland) Theresa follows the flow and themes of political science articles at the IPSA journal and considering the forthcoming congress in Buenos Aires, with a focus on the Global South. 

Metsätalo hall 1 (also in Zoom:

18 – 20

Thursday 12.5.



Metsätalo lobby

8.30 – 16


Workshops I

9 – 11


Lunch (at own cost)



Joint event: Welcoming words and Master’s thesis -award 2022

Metsätalo hall 1

12.15 – 12.45


Panel: Pro et Contra presents Tuija Parvikko’s Arendt, Eichmann and the Politics of the Past: Eichmann-kiistan vanhat ja uudet suunnat

The Pro et Contra book series of the FPSA, together with the Helsinki University Press (HUP), is organizing a panel that will serve as the launch event for Tuija Parvikko‘s book Arendt, Eichmann and the Politics of the Past. The work was published on the HUP platform with a new preface in December 2021. Parvikko’s analysis of Arendt’s book Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), and the controversy it causes, is again timely. In the panel, Tuija Parvikko will discuss the main themes of her book based on a book presentation published in the Politiikasta online magazine in February 2022: The discussant will be Jouni Tilli (University of Jyväskylä).

Metsätalo hall 1 (online stream:

12.45 – 13.45


NAF sponsored coffee break

Metsätalo’s lobby



Workshops II



Reception by the University of Helsinki

Christina hall, University of Helsinki Main building (2nd floor, older side of the Main Building)

18 – 19.30


Dinner at Grand Marina

Katajanokanlaituri 7, 00160 Helsinki

19.30 –

Friday 13.5.



Metsätalo lobby

10 – 14


Politiikasta -plenary: Politics of conspiracy theories

The Friday plenary of the 2022 FPSA Annual Conference discusses the politics of conspiracy theories through several social scientific perspectives. The causes and consequences of the spread and dissemination of conspiracy theories, the cross-section channeling of conspiracy theories between different media platforms, the different political functions of conspiracy theories in different national contexts, and the ways in which journalistic media and politicians approach conspiracy theories will be discussed.

The panel is based on the forthcoming book Salaliittoteorioiden politiikkaa (The Politics of Conspiracy Theories), edited by Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen and Niko Pyrhönen and published by Vastapaino. The panel is chaired by Niko Pyrhönen (University of Helsinki) and the panelists are researchers from different fields: Tuija Saresma (University of Jyväskylä), Annastiina Kallius (University of Helsinki) and Marko Ampuja (University of Helsinki).

Metsätalo, hall 1, (online stream:

10 – 12


Lunch (at own cost)

12 – 13


Workshops III

13 – 16

Working groupHallSchedule
1. European integration in Finland and beyond Metsätalo hall 7Thursday 9-11 and 14.15-17
2. Expertise and knowledge in parliamentary politics Kielikeskus hall 105Thursday 14.15-17
3. Historiapolitiikka eurooppalaisessa lähihistoriassa Metsätalo hall 5Friday 13-16
4. Ilmastopolitiikan vastustajat, epäilijät ja viivyttelijät Metsätalo hall 25Thursday 9-11 and 14.15-17 – Friday 13-16
5. Democracy: Challenges and Opportunities Metsätalo hall 11Thursday 9-11 and 14.15-17 – Friday 13-16
6. Hallinnon ja ohjauksen muutokset 2000-luvulla Kielikeskus hall 205Thursday 14.15-17
7. Tutkijoista vaikuttajia? Tutkimus tietopohjaisen politiikan aikakaudella Kielikeskus hall 319Thursday 14.15-17
8. YK globaalin päätöksenteon foorumina Kielikeskus hall 106Thursday 14.15-17
9. Youth and civic engagement Metsätalo hall 5Thursday 9-11 and 14.15-17
10. Hajota ja hallitse? Puolueiden sopeutuminen poliittisten jakolinjojen muutoksiin 1980–2020-luvuilla Metsätalo hall 18Thursday 9-11
11. The Role of Information Resilience in a Complex System of Governance Kielikeskus hall 403Thursday 9-11 and 14.15-17 – (Friday 13-16)
12.Populist challenges and emotional appeal in and beyond the pandemic Metsätalo hall 9Thursday 9-11 and 14.15-17 – Friday 13-16
13. Silent agents in policy-making Kielikeskus hall 206Thursday 9-11 and 14.15-17 – Friday 13-16
14. Political behavior and parties Kielikeskus hall 406Thursday 9-11 and 14.15-17 – Friday 13-16
ESN -workshopMetsätalo hall 8Wednesday 12-17


Metsätalo: Unioninkatu 40

Kielikeskus: Fabianinkatu 26

Main building: Unioninkatu 34

Grand Marina: Katajanokanlaituri 7